Tools - Diary
Overcome jealousy by writing your feelings
There are lots of ways to counter jealousy. One of the ways to do so is to keep a cognitive diary about your jealous emotions. Your jealous emotions are deep seated in your psyche and are related to your subconscious emotions. Keeping a jealous diary will help you keep track of your emotions and you’ll be able to determine whether or not your emotions are rational or irrational. It’s really easy to keep a jealousy diary. Just buy a small notebook which you’ll devote to your emotions and commit to it. Every time you feel upset, you can write about what is bothering you and evaluate why you feel this way.
Why Keeping a Jealous Diary?
The advantage of this technique is that you can do it yourself easily. Just spend some time to write things down the next time you feel upset. This technique is purely self help, since you’ll be able to evaluate your feelings yourself and find out why things are bothering you. Very often, our jealous emotions come out of irrational conclusions. If that is the case then your work is cut out for you, since you’ll realise that you’re over reacting. However, when you find that your emotions are legitimate, then you can challenge the conclusion by convincing yourself why it isn’t true.
How It Works
- To start, keep a diary which you can use to write whenever you are feeling upset.
- Keep a soothing environment for writing so that you can think and evaluate your emotions.
- Keep analyzing your reasons for jealousy until you find a legitimate conclusion.
- Once you’ve found it, challenge that conclusion so that you overcome your jealousy.
For example, if you conclude that you feel jealous because you think you’re not good enough to be loved, then challenge that reason by convincing yourself why you deserve to be in this relationship. Make a list of all your strengths and admirable qualities and think of instances where you felt you made your significant other happy. Challenge your conclusions until you convince yourself that your conclusion is wrong. This will help you overcome your jealous emotions.