Tools - Meditation
Meditate to overcome jealousy
The moment you are jealous, you need to calm down and think rationally. Most often, this is difficult to achieve since we cannot control our emotions, so calming down the moment we feel jealous is difficult. However, by applying proper meditation techniques and meditating frequently, you will find it easier to relax and find the inner peace to deal with this rationally.
Meditation can be done instantly, especially when you know the proper techniques. You don’t always need to assume positions, you can meditate by standing by applying the proper techniques to calm down instantly.
Why Meditation?
Meditation is an excellent stress relieving tool and has been used for centuries. It can help you release stress through breathing techniques which also release stress preventing hormones. It will also help you control your mind to relax whenever you want it to and therefore it will help you in stressful situations.
The aim of meditation is to calm your mind and focus until you reach a plane of inner peace. This will help you delve into a calm place whenever you are in a stressful situation. You can meditate any time and anywhere, so in order to do so you can use the following helpful techniques.
How It Works
In order to practice meditation while sitting down:
- Wear comfortable clothes and meditate in a calm environment.
- Rid your mind of all thoughts, do this either by focusing on an object or by visualizing yourself in a calm place.
- Control your breathing and apply deep breathing techniques to relax further.
- After 10 to 20 minutes, you should feel calm and rested.
In order to meditate while at a stressful environment:
- Concentrate on your breathing
- Go to a happy corner of your mind by remembering a positive memory
- Mentally tell yourself that you can control your emotions
Following these techniques should help you calm down and settle your mind so that you can overpower jealousy.