Tools - Mindfullness
Be Mindful to overcome jealousy
You need to overcome jealousy to conquer it. In order to do that, you can use several mental techniques that are easy to use and can help you alleviate your jealousy.
One such technique is called the mindfulness technique. The aim of this method is for you to add richness into your life by being more aware of your bodily sensations and mental abilities. Un-mindfulness is when you are responding without thinking or lost in far away thoughts. Doing that makes you miss out on a lot of positive aspects of your life which can help you feel better. Once you are mindful, you’ll find yourself being aware of several things you didn’t know before.
Why Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is when you pay attention and see clearly exactly what is going on in your life. It will not get rid of the pressures in your life but it will help you respond better to them in a calm manner.
Being mindful has benefits to the head, body and heart. It will help you recognise and stay away from unconscious physiological and emotional reactions which we do out of habit everyday. This method is scientifically proven to improve clarity, understanding and insight.
Being mindful will help you be present in your life and will allow you to recognise all the good things that happen to you which also stops self criticism and negative judgements.
How It Works
In order to be mindful you can follow the tips below to start:
- Be aware of your actions and your thoughts. We have lots of subconscious reactions which define us. In order to enjoy life more fully, feel everything your mind and body is trying to tell you.
- Stop doing things on auto pilot. The next time you experience something, avoid distracting yourself with music, television, games etc. Stop responding to things subconsciously too to see what effect your words have on others.
- Be more observant and respond to events more wisely. Try to understand the other person’s point of view and be more thorough in contemplating your actions.