Tools - Partner
Talk to your partner about jealousy
In order for you to move on, you need to confront these emotions and deal with them so that they do not go unresolved. Most of the times, these jealous emotions fester and get worse and brings with it more complications. For you to stop doing that, you need to talk out these feelings and resolve them for what they are so that you no longer feel this way. Especially when these feelings are irrational, you need to express these issues to your partner so that he or she understands and helps you get rid of these thoughts.
Why talk to your partner?
Talking things out with your partner is really helpful because then you’ll get to know what things really are. You need to trust that your partner is telling the truth and understand things from his or her point of view. Also, if you have any significant issues, for example you had trust issues in the past; discuss them with your partner so that you can come to a conclusion on how to deal with this problem. If you dislike it when they do something or if something they say makes you feel jealous, then tell them about it so that they understand. Healthy communication can really help you overcome issues in relationships.
How It Works
For you to have a heart to heart talk with your partner, follow a few simple tips so that things go along smoothly:
- Make your partner comfortable, so that he or she doesn’t feel awkward or have their guard up.
- Tell them about your feelings in a non aggressive way so that it is easy for them to understand.
- Allow them to participate or add in information so that they can have some say in it too.
- Every time the discussion has the potential to be a yelling match, calm down and calm down your partner and steer the topic in the right direction.
- If your partner doesn’t feel comfortable talking about it, avoid it for now and broach it again when he or she is ready.